Friday, November 16, 2007

Miami Book Fair

What an incredible weekend! It was worth all the effort over the summer getting two new books ready. The weather in Miami was perfect and the response from the kids visiting my booth was overwhelming. Children who already purchased the last three books were eager to start reading the two new additions to the TOMGIRLZ series and many kids being introduced to the series for the first time jumped in and bought all five books!

In the spirit of the Tomgirlz, these books are great fun to read for the kids, but still full of positive life messages that parents will appreciate. TALENT TROUBLES is all about competition. It teaches that children can be competitive and determined and still not put others down. In fact, these girls are open to learning from each other! I use this book also as an opportunity to teach salsa dancing to children as Salsa and Ballroom dancing are a great personal passion of mine.

In A, B, SEA! the girls demonstrate the principles of friendship while establishing their entrepreneurial skills. They even create a brand new kind of cookie that they call Mush Cup cookies. Since these cookies were created by fictitious characters, I decided I had to bake them for myself and see how they were. They were so delicious that my daughter and her friends all begged for more! I went ahead and trademarked the term Mush Cup. One day we will see (in real life) a TOMGIRLZ COOKIE COMPANY!

Wishing all of you all the best and great thanks to everyone who helped make the Miami Book Fair such a huge success for me.